The Prophet Loot (‘alaihis-salaam) is one of the Prophets and Messengers of Allah who was sent to a people with hard hearts and harsh natures – they gathered together deviation in belief and deviation in moral character. So Loot was sent to the city of Sodom and Gomorra (Saddoom and `Amoorah) which was the main city of that region, situated to the south-east of the Dead Sea, approximately 100km from Jerusalem. He was his student, and he learned from him, and he was like a son to him. The Story of the Prophet Loot (peace be upon him) or Lot (in the Bible):Īl-Hāfidh Ibn Katheer and Imām As-Sa`dee mentioned that Loot ( `alaihis-salām) was the nephew of Ibrāheem ( `alaihis-salām), the son of his brother, and his story follows on from the story of Ibrāheem. Starting Point for Muslims in talking to non-Muslims.Both the Old and New Testament Condemn Homosexuality.Homosexuality: Nurture or Nature? Good or Bad?.Genesis (in the Bible) and Homosexuality.Accusations of drunkenness and incest (sex with his daughters) against Prophet Lot in the Bible.Contrast with the Biblical account found in the Torah.The story of the Prophet Loot (peace be upon him) or Prophet Lot (as in the Bible).